The NetBSD Foundation Press Release: Announcement of the new official ``Powered by NetBSD'' logo

November 24, 2005  The NetBSD Foundation would like to announce their new official "Powered by NetBSD" logo. After switching to a new official NetBSD logo some time ago, an official logo for websites running NetBSD was not available. Thanks to the artistic skills of Jacek Kutzmann, NetBSD is now proud to announce the availability of the new official "Powered by NetBSD" logo. It can be used for commercial and non-commercial products and web sites provided that they are powered by the NetBSD operating system or make use of the pkgsrc packages system.

The new logo is at display at the following webpage:

NetBSD is a free, secure, and highly portable Unix-like open source operating system available for many hardware platforms, from 64-bit Opteron machines and desktop systems to handheld and embedded devices. Its clean design and advanced features make NetBSD excellent in both production and research environments, and it is user-supported with complete source. Many applications are easily available through the NetBSD Packages Collection, pkgsrc.

More information about NetBSD is available via Information about pkgsrc is available via Both "NetBSD" and "pkgsrc" are registered trademarks of the NetBSD Foundation.

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